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OneBridge Innovation Lab
OneBridge Innovation Lab is an innovation center that works with Microsoft, clients and partners to prove new data science, machine learning and predictive analytic models to advance the oil and gas pipeline industry.
OneBridge can incorporate multidisciplinary expertise involving legacy and leading-edge technologies concerning pipeline data management, analytics and processes.
OneBridge Solutions Inc. Recognized As Finalist Of Application Innovation 2020

Expanding Customer Base
OneBridge Cognitive Integrity Management solution undergoes comprehensive testing and validation by major U.S. pipeline operators, through numerous proof of concept projects
OneBridge Client list increases from two in 2018 to six at 2019 year end, including one independent and five Fortune 100/500 companies, including an industry super-major
OneSoft completes $9.2 million bought deal financing in April 2019, with funding earmarked for accelerated R&D to preserve and increase first mover advantage

Next Gen – Cognitive Integrity Management
OneBridge enters into agreement with Phillips 66 to migrate their on-premise software to Microsoft Azure cloud platform
Two other pipeline operators engage as private preview users for this development project
CIM 3.0 expanded solution commercially released December 2018 integrating Phillips 66 logistics functionality and OneBridge machine learning predictive analytics.
OneBridge owns IP to this comprehensive SaaS solution which can be marketed globally
All OneSoft outstanding warrants are exercised , contributing $4.5 million of funding and optimizing share structure

Go Live
OneBridge introduces Pilot Project program to onboard new customers
OneBridge signs first Fortune 500 customer, begins transition from R&D to revenue generating stage
Go-live commercial release of OneBridge Cognitive Integrity Management solution
OneSoft completes $1.8 million financing

Microsoft Accelerator
OneBridge participates in Microsoft Seattle Accelerator, implements private preview program to engage initial customers.
OneSoft completes $1.25 million financing
2016 OneSoft sells its OneNFP business unit to focus wholly on the OneBridge opportunities

OneBridge Established
OneBridge one of only nine companies world-wide selected to participate in Microsoft’s first Seattle Accelerator Program to focus on Data Science and Machine Learning
OneSoft completes $1 million financing
OneSoft acquires software IP for oil and gas pipelines and establishes OneBridge
OneSoft is first company world-wide to launch a solution on the Microsoft Cloud Services (MCS) platform, through its OneNFP business unit

Sell Serenic
OneSoft sells legacy-based Serenic operating companies; retains cloud-associated IP and team to pursue born in the cloud opportunities. Gain of $9.2 million, paid dividends ~$7 million to shareholders and retained ~$2 million to re-structure as a cloud-only start-up

Early Adopter
Serenic subsidiaries begin investment in Microsoft cloud technologies and strategies
Serenic subsidiaries appointed to Microsoft’s GR2R (global road to repeatability). program, to pursue early adoption of Microsoft Cloud platform and business model.
Serenic selected as one of only twelve participants from 4,600+ global reseller partners to join Microsoft’s Technology Adoption Program

Partner of the Year
Serenic subsidiaries grown from start-up to $12 MM revenue
Serenic achieves multiple awards from Microsoft including numerous appointments to Microsoft’s elite Round Table and President’s Clubs; recognized twice as Outstanding Partner of the Year, for Global and North America
Microsoft renews agreement with Serenic to provide payroll and human resource management software for Dynamics NAV customers within North America
Vision HRM acquires Denver-based Serenic Software, Inc.; Corporate name changes from Vision HRM Software Inc. to Serenic Corporation

Vision HRM Acquires Serenic
Vision HRM conducts private placement financing for $0.5 MM
Discovery Acquisitions Inc. name changed to Vision HRM Software Inc.
Discovery acquires Vision Pay Inc. in 2002 with the exclusive rights to develop payroll and HR software for Navision ERP products acquired by Microsoft in 2002
1998 Discovery acquires AFXL, a software company engaged in logistics management for First Nations health care. Later merged into Serenic Canada

Going Public
Discovery Acquisitions Inc. incorporates as a microcap junior capital pool, commences trading on the Alberta Stock Exchange