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Company Information
Learn about the rich company history and OneSoft’s successful journey through various start-ups and acquisitions. The combination of industry, technology, financial and legal expertise has generated success for OneSoft.
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Company History & Progress
A detailed synopsis of both OneSoft and OneBridge developments and key updates since the launch of the company.
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SEDAR (the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval) is the on-line portal used for electronically filing securities related information with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. All OneSoft publicly released documents are filed on sedar and are available in enquiry.
Visit Sedar
The TSX Venture Exchange, one of Canada’s leading public equity markets, serves as a public venture capital marketplace in Canada for emerging companies. The TSX-V is home to 1,791 companies with a combined market capitalization of $23.2 billion (September, 2017 data). Issuers are subject to the regulatory and disclosure requirements of Canadian securities laws and Exchange rules and policies and they must publicly disclose changes in their capital structure or any other information relating to the business and affairs of the company that could reasonably be expected to result in a significant change in the market price or value of the company’s listed securities.
OTCQB Venture Market
The OTCQB Venture Market is for early-stage and developing U.S. and international companies. To be eligible to trade securities, companies must be current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process.
Sophic Capital

Sophic Capital is a capital markets advisory firm for public and private growth companies. They are currently working with OneSoft Solutions Inc. to manage communication with shareholders, investors, investment dealers and other financial professionals.